on the exterior of residential and commercial buildings in the USA and Canada.

As seen on:


As an alternative to traditional studs, Thermal Studs are more energy-efficient, reduce the carbon footprint of your home and business, and impose less strain on your HVAC system and ultimately, your wallet.

  • Easy Installation

  • Increased Structural Strength

  • Lower BTU Consumption*

  • Reduced Sound Transmission

*Total cost savings dependent on type of insulation used with Thermal studs.

Our manufacturers produces energy-efficient standard lumber replacements that are the future of sustainable building solutions! Thermal Studs are patented thermally-broken wall studs easily replace traditional lumber, no need for additional training to install, while giving the builder flexibility to use almost any type of insulation depending on which product you choose.

Thermal Break Wall Studs

The unique engineered design of Thermal Studs “breaks” the thermal bridge present in traditional studs that allow for the transmission of temperature between the exterior to the interior of your home or building. Roughly 19% to 24% of the exterior wall is a bridge to higher utility bills.

By minimizing this bridge with Thermal Studs, the interior temperature of your structure  becomes easier to climatize.

Award-Winning & Accredited

Thermal Studs are code-compliant in both the U.S. and Canada, and are accredited by IAF and ANAB. Tstud™ was named the 2019 Sustainable Innovation of the Year for Structural Ingenuity by Green Builder in addition to being one of Green Builder’s 2019 Editor’s Choice Hot 50 Products. 

*Tanager Products is a manufacturing licensee of Envirobon producing the WarmStud™ and eventually the RhinoStud™ and is a manufacturing licensee of Roosevelt Energy, Inc. manufacturing the R19 Tstud™, MiniTstud™ and the BareNaked Tstud™.